How To Make Extended Road Trips Enjoyable

How To Make Extended Road Trips Enjoyable

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Imagine the open road ahead, your favorite tunes playing, the horizon offering glimpses of adventures yet to come. The allure of a road trip isn't just about reaching a destination; it's about the thrilling detours, the hidden gems, and the stories waiting to unfold with each turn.

Embarking on an extended road journey is like piecing together a puzzle where each piece is a unique experience. From the rhythm of the tires on the tarmac to the taste of new cuisines and the echoes of laughter with loved ones, every moment is a treasured memory in the making.

Ready to gear up for the ultimate road escapade? Buckle up, because we're about to dive deep into making every mile of your journey an unforgettable one!

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Vintage Laptop Rucksack
Vintage Canvas Backpack
Vintage Canvas Backpack
Retro Canvas Rucksack
Retro Canvas Rucksack
Waxed Canvas Backpack
Waxed Canvas Backpack

I. Understanding the Needs of Extended Road Trips

1. Duration and Destinations

Oh, I remember the first time I planned an extended road trip! I was so giddy with excitement that I overlooked a simple factor: how long I'd be on the road. So, let's get this straight first: knowing your trip's duration is essential. Is it a month-long escapade across the coast, or just a two-week getaway to the mountains?

Your chosen destinations also play a vital role. I mean, if you're like my buddy Jake, who once tried to fit 10 major cities into a week, you might need to reconsider. You don’t want to spend all your time driving and missing out on the fun, right? Some tools online can help you estimate driving times between spots. I use them religiously now.

2. Traveling Companions and Preferences

Here's a funny story for you: during one of my trips, I found out the hard way that my best friend can't stand country music (I know, right?!). We spent two hours arguing over the playlist before we found a middle ground - classic rock.

So, before setting off, chat with your travel companions. Do they love hiking? Detest seafood? Prefer quiet nights or big city vibes? Knowing these preferences can help design a trip that's enjoyable for everyone. And hey, discussing these ahead can save a lot of arguments down the road (pun intended!).

3. Budget Considerations

Okay, let's talk money. I learned this lesson after nearly running out of cash in the middle of nowhere. It's not enough to just account for food, gas, and lodgings. Think of activities, emergency funds, and those irresistible souvenirs. A good tip I learned: always overestimate a little. It's better to return home with extra cash than to be pinching pennies in the last week of your trip.

Also, don't forget to compare prices. Maybe that scenic route, with fewer toll roads, might save you a buck or two. Or perhaps camping one or two nights is cheaper (and more adventurous) than a hotel.

4. Legal and Safety Regulations

Here comes the slightly less fun but uber-important part: legal stuff. The last thing you want is getting a fine for something you didn't even know was illegal. Always check local regulations, especially if you're crossing state or country borders. And yeah, those speed limits? They can vary. Got me once; don’t let them get you!

Safety first! This isn't just about wearing your seatbelt but ensuring you have necessary safety equipment. Some places require a first-aid kit or fire extinguisher on board, for instance. Also, if you're like me and sometimes forget where you park, having a handy app to locate your vehicle isn't a bad idea.

In summary, planning an extended road trip is a bit like making a good sandwich. You need the right ingredients (destinations), in the right proportions (duration), spiced up with preferences, all wrapped in a budget bread. And always, always, chew carefully by abiding by legal and safety regulations. Safe travels!

motorhomes roadtrip sea

II. Choosing the Right Vehicle

1. Cars vs. Motorhomes

Ah, the age-old debate: cars or motorhomes? I recall my first solo road trip in a beaten-up car that had more quirks than features. Then, I did a journey in a motorhome, and boy, was that a game changer! Here's a quick breakdown:

Cars are typically faster, offer greater fuel efficiency, and are easier to navigate through cities. If your plan is just to drive from one accommodation to another and explore cities, maybe a car is your best bet.

Motorhomes, on the other hand, are where you get the real 'on the road' experience. Imagine pulling up beside a lake, the sun setting, and you're chilling in your own space, maybe cooking up a meal. It's like carrying your home with you. Which leads me to...

Features of Motorhomes

You'd be surprised at the bells and whistles these bad boys can come with. I've seen motorhomes with solar panels, full-blown entertainment systems, and even pull-out barbecues!

Essential features usually include sleeping arrangements, a basic kitchenette, and toilet facilities. But when you start exploring, you'll find motorhomes with slide-outs to expand living space, air conditioning, and even mini-laundries. Seriously, it's like an apartment on wheels!

Motorhomes for Sale – What to Look for?

Thinking of investing in one? Well, I did too, after a particularly inspiring trip across the Grand Canyon. Here are some insider tips:

  1. History and Mileage: Ever heard the saying, "It's not the years; it's the mileage"? Check for how many miles it has run and its service history.
  2. Size and Maneuverability: Remember, the bigger it is, the harder to park. Especially in those snug campgrounds.
  3. Fuel Efficiency: Motorhomes aren't famous for their miles per gallon, but newer models are getting better!
  4. Resale Value: Like cars, some brands and models retain value better than others.

2. Renting vs. Buying

I've faced this dilemma too. Buying seems attractive, especially if you're a regular road-tripper. Owning means you can customize it, and there's no stress about returning it by a particular date.

On the flip side, motorhomes are an investment. Maintenance, storage, and the sheer initial cost can be daunting. Renting is flexible and lets you test different models. Plus, no maintenance headaches! So, weigh the pros and cons. Personally, I've rented when exploring new terrains and saved my own motorhome for familiar grounds.

3. Vehicle Maintenance and Pre-Trip Checks

So, funny story. Once, I was so eager to start a trip that I forgot to check the water levels. Three hours in, my motorhome decided to teach me a lesson and overheated. Learn from my misadventures.

Before any trip:

  1. Engine Check: Make sure the engine oil, coolant, and brake fluid are topped up.
  2. Tire Inspection: Check for any wear and ensure they're inflated to the right pressure.
  3. Lights and Signals: A faulty brake light can be a major safety risk.
  4. Inspect the Battery: No one wants to be stranded with a dead battery.
  5. For Motorhomes: Check water tanks, gas supply, and waste systems.

Selecting your vehicle isn't just about four wheels and an engine. It's about the experiences that await, the memories you'll craft, and the stories (both good and hilariously bad) you'll accumulate. So, pick wisely, and may the road forever be in your favor! Safe travels, fellow wanderer!

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Canvas Leather Backpack
Canvas Hiking Backpack
Canvas Hiking Backpack
Waxed Canvas Backpack
Waxed Canvas Backpack
Canvas Drawstring Backpack
Canvas Drawstring Backpack

III. Planning the Route

1. Mapping the Journey

Remember when I decided to rely solely on my instincts and not map out my route? Ended up in a town that wasn't even on the map, with no gas station in sight. Rookie mistake!

First, decide on your start and endpoint. But here's a little secret – the magic often lies in between. Use tools like Google Maps or Waze to plot your route. But also consider good old-fashioned road maps or specialized road trip apps. These tools often point out scenic routes, attractions, and hidden gems you might not find otherwise.

And, folks, give yourself some leeway time. It's okay to detour if you spot something interesting!

2. Scenic Stops and Landmarks

Let's face it, a long drive without pitstops is like watching a movie and skipping all the best scenes. I once took a detour on a friend's recommendation and found myself gazing at the most breathtaking waterfall I've ever seen!

Research must-see spots along your route. National parks, historic sites, quirky roadside attractions, and yes, even that world's largest rubber band ball if that’s your jam. These landmarks and scenic stops not only break the monotony but often become the highlights of your journey.

3. Contingency Plans and Alternatives

Oh boy, the number of times I've been thwarted by road closures, extreme weather, or unexpected events! Here's a nugget of wisdom: always have a Plan B.

Research alternate routes in case your primary path has issues. Check for road conditions, especially if you're traveling in inclement weather seasons. Some apps provide real-time updates on traffic and road closures. Keep them handy!

Another tip: always have a list of accommodations in nearby areas. There’s nothing like reaching a place, finding no vacancies, and scrambling for a place to crash. Believe me, I've been there.

4. Fuel and Charging Stations

This one hits close to home. Ever tried coasting downhill in neutral trying to make it to the nearest gas station? It’s not as fun as it sounds.

Always plan your fuel or charging stops, especially in remote areas. If you're driving an electric vehicle, ensure you have a list of charging stations along your route. Apps like PlugShare can be lifesavers!

For traditional vehicles, don't wait for the fuel gauge to flirt with the empty mark. In remote areas, gas stations can be few and far between. Fill up when you're at half, just to be on the safer side.

In essence, a well-planned route can make or break your road trip. It’s a balance between structure and spontaneity. Plan enough to ensure safety and smooth travels, but leave a little wiggle room for those unexpected discoveries. After all, isn't that what road trips are all about? Safe travels and may you find many hidden treasures along the way!

camper van outdoor wilderness roadtrip

IV. Accommodations and Stops

Alright, fellow traveler, so you’ve got your route down and your landmarks set. But here’s a question that often pops up as evening draws near: “Where on earth (or at least this town) am I gonna lay my head tonight?” Ah, accommodations - the unsung hero of any successful road trip. Let’s dive into it!

1. Campgrounds and RV Parks

The time I tried to camp without a reservation on a long weekend? Well, let's just say sleeping in my vehicle wasn't the cozy experience I imagined. So, a bit of prep goes a long way.

  • Reservations: Especially during peak seasons or holidays, popular campgrounds can be fully booked. A little foresight can save a lot of heartache.
  • Facilities: Not all campgrounds are created equal. Some offer the luxury of electricity hookups, clean water, and washroom facilities, while others might just be a patch of land. Choose based on your needs and comfort level.
  • Location: My favorite campgrounds? The ones with a view! Whether it’s a serene lakeside or amidst dense woods, the right spot can elevate your camping experience.
  • Cost: Rates can vary. National or state parks might have a different pricing structure compared to private RV parks. Some might even be free! But remember, often you get what you pay for.

2. Hotels and Lodging

Ah, the comfort of a soft bed and a warm shower. After a few days on the road, sometimes a hotel is just what the doctor ordered. Here’s what I’ve gleaned from my various hotel hopping adventures:

  • Location: I usually opt for something close to the main road or highway. Navigating city streets after a long drive? No, thank you.
  • Amenities: WiFi, breakfast, parking, and a laundry service can be absolute godsends on the road.
  • Budget vs. Luxury: There’s a time for splurging and then there’s a time for budget-friendly options. Balance out your trip with a mix, maybe?
  • Reviews: Fellow travelers’ reviews have saved me from some potential hotel nightmares. Always check for recent reviews to get a sense of the place.

3. Wild Camping Considerations

Wild camping - where you and nature become one, minus the trappings of a typical campground. Sounds dreamy, but it’s not for the faint-hearted or the unprepared.

  • Legalities: Not every scenic spot you come across is open for wild camping. Some lands, especially protected areas, have strict no-camping rules. Always research beforehand.
  • Leave No Trace: The golden rule of wild camping. Pack out what you pack in, and leave the spot just as you found it, if not better.
  • Safety: I remember camping once near a water source only to be visited by some curious wildlife. Choose your spot wisely. Steer clear of cliff edges, riverbanks, and animal trails.
  • Preparation: No amenities mean you need to be self-sufficient. Water, food, waste disposal – plan it all out.

Choosing where to rest after a day filled with adventures can be more than just finding a place to sleep. It can be part of the adventure itself! Whether you’re under a canopy of stars or crisp white hotel sheets, ensuring you have a safe and comfortable place to rest is crucial. Here’s to sweet dreams on the road! 🌙🚐

campervan motorhome accomodation

V. Food and Nutrition on the Road

Okay, I'll let you in on a little secret: one of the most memorable aspects of my road trips? The food! From whipping up a quick meal in a cozy motorhome to savoring the local delicacies, it's been a culinary adventure to say the least. And trust me, the open road has more to offer than just gas station snacks. So, let’s talk grub!

1. Cooking in a Motorhome

Ever tried a grilled cheese sandwich made in a motorhome while it's raining outside? It’s the kind of magic that only a road trip offers.

  • Equipment: Many motorhomes come equipped with a basic kitchen setup. But, having the right tools, like a portable stove or a good set of utensils, can elevate your cooking game.
  • Easy Recipes: It’s not always about the gourmet meals. Sometimes, the simplest recipes are the most delightful. Think pasta, sandwiches, or even a good old-fashioned BBQ.
  • Preparation: I once ran out of salt in the middle of nowhere. Lesson learned? Stock up on essential ingredients, and perhaps prepare and freeze a few meals beforehand.
  • Clean-Up: A necessary evil, but hey, with the right view from your window, even dishwashing can be therapeutic!

2. Local Cuisine and Dining Out

One of my fondest memories? Digging into a local pie in a small town diner. There’s a certain joy in discovering regional specialties.

  • Research: Before hitting a new town, I usually scout for the must-try eateries or dishes. Often, the hole-in-the-wall places have the most authentic (and delicious) offerings.
  • Balance Budget: Dining out every meal can get pricey. Balance your meals between self-cooked and dining out to keep your budget in check.
  • Health Over Convenience: Fast food might be the easy option, but don’t make it a habit. Dive into salads, seafood, or anything fresh and local. Your body will thank you!
  • Interact with Locals: Some of the best food recommendations I've received have come from friendly locals. Strike up a conversation; you never know where it might lead!

3. Storing and Preserving Food

Nothing beats the disappointment of reaching for a sandwich only to find it’s turned soggy. Proper storage is the key.

  • Coolers & Fridges: If your motorhome doesn’t have a fridge, invest in a good quality cooler. It's a lifesaver for perishables.
  • Dry Storage: Canned goods, pasta, rice, and other dry foods should be stored in a cool and dry place. Using airtight containers can also prevent unwanted guests (ahem, bugs!).
  • Fresh Produce: Buy local and in small quantities. Not only do you get to enjoy fresh food, but you also reduce waste.
  • Safety First: Always be wary of food spoilage. Trust your nose and eyes; if something looks or smells off, it probably is. No meal is worth a bout of food poisoning on the road.

In essence, eating on the road is not just about sustenance; it's an integral part of the adventure. Whether you’re a gourmet chef in your motorhome or a food explorer in unfamiliar towns, savor every bite. After all, the journey is as much about the meals as it is about the miles! 🍔🥗

Roll Top Rucksack
Roll Top Rucksack
Small Canvas Backpack
Small Canvas Backpack
Women's Rucksack
Women's Rucksack
Waxed Canvas Backpack
Vintage Backpack

VI. Entertainment and Leisure Activities

Let me paint a picture: you’re in the middle of an open highway, the landscape's changing with every mile, but after the fourth hour, even the most scenic drive can start feeling a tad monotonous. Been there? Me too! And that’s why ensuring we have ample entertainment and leisure options is essential. The road is vast, my friend, and it offers countless adventures both inside and outside your vehicle. Let's explore!

1. In-Vehicle Entertainment

Ah, the charm of singing along to your favorite track while the world rushes by. But there's so much more to in-vehicle entertainment than just music.

  • Playlists and Music: Before I head out, I always create a road trip playlist. And sometimes, I even explore local radio stations to get a feel of the place.
  • Audiobooks and Podcasts: Ever tried driving through a desert while listening to a mystery thriller? The ambience it creates is surreal. Plus, it’s a great way to ‘read’ those books you never got around to.
  • Interactive Games: From the classic ‘I spy’ to ‘20 Questions’, interactive games can keep the energy alive, especially if you're traveling with others.
  • Tech & Gadgets: Investing in a good sound system or even portable projectors for movie nights in your motorhome can elevate those quiet evenings.

2. Outdoor and Recreational Activities

The world's your playground when you're on the road. And trust me, some of my most cherished memories come from spontaneous detours and adventures.

  • Hiking and Nature Walks: Whether it's a renowned trail or just a serene path you stumbled upon, hiking can offer some breathtaking views and a dose of fresh air.
  • Water Activities: Be it kayaking, fishing, or just a quick swim, water bodies along your route can provide refreshing breaks.
  • Photography: The ever-changing landscapes offer a myriad of photo opportunities. It’s not just about capturing the sights, but also the essence of your journey.
  • Biking: If you have space, consider carrying a bicycle. It’s a fun way to explore the surroundings, especially when you’re parked for the day.

3. Cultural Exploration

Every town, city, or village you pass has a story, a history, a culture that's waiting to be discovered.

  • Local Festivals and Events: I once stumbled upon a local music festival in a small town. The experience? Unforgettable! Always keep an ear out for local happenings.
  • Museums and Historical Sites: They offer a deep dive into the area's heritage. Plus, they’re often cool and quiet – a respite from the road's hustle.
  • Art and Workshops: From pottery to dance, many places offer short workshops. Not only do you learn something new, but you also interact with locals.
  • Marketplaces: One word - food! But apart from that, local markets give you a peek into the daily lives of the inhabitants. Don't forget to pick up some souvenirs!

The road might take you from point A to B, but what truly matters are the moments, the laughter, the experiences, and the memories in between. Whether you're lost in a gripping podcast or immersing yourself in a local festival, remember to savor every moment. The destination is just a part of the journey; the real magic often lies in the detours and pit stops. 

camping leisure activities


Whew, what a ride! Journeying on extended road trips is akin to reading a captivating novel – each chapter brings new discoveries, experiences, and stories to cherish. From selecting the right mode of transport to dancing to the tune of a local festival, every decision, big or small, plays a role in weaving the tapestry of your adventure.

The open road, with its unpredictabilities and wonders, is truly the best classroom. As you gear up for your trip, remember to relish every second, taste every flavor, listen to every note, and absorb every hue.

Safe travels and may your road trips be nothing short of legendary! 🚗🌄🎉

Canvas Duffle Bag
Canvas Duffle Bag
Weekend Travel Bag
Weekend Travel Bag
Canvas Overnight Bag
Canvas Overnight Bag
Vintage Travel Bag
Vintage Travel Bag


What's the most important thing to consider when planning an extended road trip?

Preparation is key. This includes route planning, vehicle checks, and understanding the local customs and regulations of the places you're visiting.

How can I ensure I’m eating healthily on the road?

Balance is essential. While it's okay to indulge occasionally, try to stock up on fresh produce, cook whenever possible, and prioritize local and healthy dining options.

Is it safe to camp anywhere during a road trip?

Not necessarily. Always research and ensure you're in a designated camping area. Wild camping might have restrictions depending on the region.

How do I keep entertained on long stretches of road?

Diversify your entertainment. Music, podcasts, interactive games, and even audiobooks can keep the journey lively.

Should I book accommodations in advance or go with the flow?

It depends on your travel style. If you prefer certainty, book ahead. However, if you're more spontaneous, you might find unique stay options along the way, but be prepared for the occasional fully-booked scenario.

How do I handle vehicle breakdowns in remote areas?

Always have an emergency kit, ensure your vehicle is checked regularly, and consider investing in a satellite phone for areas with poor cell reception.

Are there any apps that can help with road trip planning?

Absolutely! Apps like Roadtrippers, Google Maps, and Campendium can assist with route planning, accommodations, and finding local attractions.

How much money should I budget daily for a road trip?

This varies based on travel style, destination, and personal preferences. Research average costs for your destinations and factor in accommodations, food, fuel, and unforeseen expenses.

How do I engage with and respect local cultures during my trip?

Do your homework. Understand local customs, dress codes, and traditions. Always approach communities with an open mind and heart.

Can I take my pet on an extended road trip?

Of course! Just ensure you're prepared with their essentials, understand pet policies of places you're visiting, and prioritize their comfort and safety.

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Baptiste est un aventurier passionné par l'exploration et l'aventure urbaine et sauvage, et un amoureux des objets vintage au charme intemporel. En tant que membre fondateur de l'équipe d'Eiken, il souhaite partager sa passion et son experise pour les voyages et la mode vintage à travers ses articles.

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